Credible Security Solutions, Inc.
2100 West Loop S, STE 900 Houston, TX 77027
Professional & Credible Security Officers/Bodyguards in Texas

Credible Security Solutions, Inc. (#CssOne)
'If you have a security issue, we have a credible solution!'
Professional & Credible Security Officers in Texas
Micro-Expressions Recognition & Training
(To learn more about our free demo of the online micro-expression training, please scroll down!)
Have you ever thought someone was lying to you, but couldn't prove it? Wish you could tell how people really felt? Or......Do you interview people professionally and can use an extra technique that would enhance your interview skills and assist you with determining if the individual is being truthful? Well, you can........
Credible Security Solutions, Inc. is now an affiliate and official re-seller of Humintell's Facial Expression Training Tools. As popularized by the hit TV show 'Lie to Me', Humintell offers online training to help individuals recognize micro and subtle expressions. Micro-expressions and subtle expressions are the scientifically documented concealed signs of emotion, which people elicit in high stakes situations when they have something substantial to lose or gain. Micro-expressions are characterized by the speed of a certain expression, lasting on the face for less than ½ a second and can occur as fast as 1/16 of a second.
If you would like to learn micro-expressions through an online format that you can complete in the comfort of your own home or office in as little as just one hour, please review the options below to determine, which class works best for you. Training is accessible, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 1 year through the training website. Simply purchase the training, create an account and register your product key that you receive via email. It’s that simple.
What class is right for you?
Free Demos
Credible Security Solutions, Inc. via Humintell offers a variety of micro-expression and subtle expression training tools as well as a NEW cross cultural adaptation course! Here are the demos that are currently available:
MiX 2 Demo (Micro-expressions)
SubX Demo (Subtle expressions)
IntelliCulture (Introduction and Pretest)
Please click hereto be redirected to our FREE Demos
Groups that would benefit from this training: *Lawyers/Attorneys *Psychotherapists *Counselors *Marriage and Family Therapists *Licensed Clinical Social Workers *Life Coaches *Law Enforcement Officers *Anyone that interacts with people on a face to face basis
View the products below to learn more about each one and to purchase the training you need for your experience level. Upon completion of any level, you can continue your training with the next level up.
MiX™ Lite is an abbreviated version of our most basic training- perfect for beginners who are on a tight budget and are interested in learning how to detect micro-expressions.This abbreviated online training will teach you how to recognize micro-expressions – facial expressions of emotion that occur when someone tries to conceal or repress how they are feeling. Even though they last only a fraction of a second, anyone can learn to recognize them.
Price: $29.00 (Please click on the photograph above to be make your purchase.)
MiX™ Original is our most basic training-perfect for beginners who are interested in learning how to detect micro-expressions.This comprehensive online training will teach you how to recognize micro-expressions – facial expressions of emotion that occur when someone tries to conceal or repress how they are feeling. Even though they last only a fraction of a second, anyone can learn to recognize them.
Price: $59.00 (Please click on the photograph above to make your purchase.)
Created by Dr's. David Matsumoto and Hyi Sung Hwang, MiX™ Professional is the next step in micro-expression training-perfect for those who have already completed MiX Original who are interested in further learning how to detect micro-expressions.This comprehensive online training will teach you how to recognize micro-expressions – facial expressions of emotion that occur when someone tries to conceal or repress how they are feeling. Even though they last only a fraction of a second, anyone can learn to recognize them.
Price: $69.00 (Please click on the photograph above to make your purchase.)
MiX2â„¢ is our perfect for those who have already completed beginning micro-expression training and are interested in furthering their knowledge on the subject. Real human interactions involve moving heads and bodies, and experts need to be able to detect micro-expressions from multiple angles. This course provides users with the most advanced training on micro-expression recognition, presenting frontal, profile and 3/4 views of 84 individuals who contribute two expressions each.
Price: $79.00 (Please click on the photograph above to make your purchase.)
Created by Dr's. David Matsumoto and Hyi Sung Hwang, MiX™ Elite is the next step in micro-expression training- perfect for those who have already completed MiX 2 or MiX Professional Training who are interested in further learning how to detect micro-expressions.This comprehensive online training will teach you how to recognize micro-expressions – facial expressions of emotion that occur when someone tries to conceal or repress how they are feeling. Even though they last only a fraction of a second, anyone can learn to recognize them.
Price: $89.00 (Please click on the photograph above to make your purchase.)
****New Arrival****
Identifying Signals of Deadly Intent
Groups that would benefit from this training: *Law Enforcement Officers *Security Officers *Investigators and Interrogators *Military Personnel *Protective Service Agents *Emergency Room Personnel *Firemen and Women *EMTs *Closed Mental Health Hospital Ward Personnel
Our Dangerous Demeanor Detector Basic teaches you to recognize the facial expression of an individual who is likely to immediately become violent. * The D3 training tool consists of a baseline test, 5 instructional pages, a practice test with 40 images and a post test. Based on years of research, it was sparked initially by materials provided by the U.S. Secret Service and recently completed with support from the US Department of Defense. Our research has involved law enforcement officers in five very different countries around the world, all of whom have been attacked physically, remembered the face of the attacker, and identified the expression that occurred just moments before the attack. However, there may be still other facial expressions that signal a likelihood of violent behavior that we have not yet identified.
Price: $49.00 (Please click on the photograph above to make your purchase.)
Leveraging nearly 50 years of innovative study and research, Humintell combine's state-of-the-art behavioral science with real world practical experience to provide unique training in the fields of facial expression of emotion, nonverbal behavior, detecting deception and cultural adaptation.
Interviews for Success: An insider's approach to reading body language........
Is a presentation we offer that focuses on the true interviewing skills that are needed in order to effectively interview an individual. The discussion will focus on how to observe body language communicated by individuals and how to decipher whether what is communicated verbally is truthful or untruthful, by observing the physical clues that are provided during a conversation.
Our next presentation open to the public is to be announced. Click here to learn more.
Please contact us today to schedule a speaking engagement for your next district,
regional or divisional meeting.
Main: 713-936-CSS1 (2771)
Fax: 713-481-6264